Wrapping up January

Well, hard to believe we’re already one month into 2011!  And it has been a really productive month.  Challenging myself to five new things a week has really been great to keep me working hard.

For the last week of the challenge I’ve been working hard on some new embroidery designs.  I can’t show them all off yet, some still need some appliques before they are finished, but I can show off a design I’m working on for my 3×6 Bee Blocks.  You can do a traditional quilt block for the bee, but I really wanted to send out something that was my design.  So I worked up this simple little embroidery pattern.  These finish about 6 inches, the blocks need to be 12.5, so my next step is to figure out a creative setting for them.  I’m thinking about doing a wonky log cabin around them, but we’ll just have to see.

I think the most fun about the bee blocks is it makes you work in colors you don’t automatically pick yourself.  I’m in love with the orange, but I would never have picked it myself for this.  Reminds me to stretch myself more!

Check out how everyone else has wrapped up in the month:

Domestic Icing





2 responses to “Wrapping up January

  1. These colors are PERFECT! They match my house! lol If I was a wealthier woman, I would SO commission/beg you to make these into a Queen size quilt for my room!

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